Monday 1 August 2011

Off to the Races!

So far in Sydney, I’ve found that there’s no better way to get to know a city’s people than through visiting its bars.  That being said, I’ve made it a goal of mine this semester to wander off the beaten path from the typical study abroad bars and visit authentic Aussie pubs.  I’ve done a bit of this so far, but there are still countless places that I’ve yet to explore.  My one exception to this rule is a bar called SCUBAR, located right in the heart of Sydney and open almost exclusively to study abroad students and backpackers.  Let’s just say that when you go there, you’re more likely to encounter a Scandinavian, an Asian, an American, and Canadian and countless others before you lay your eyes on someone who’s actually from Sydney.  This would normally bother me, but it doesn’t at scubar for one reason and one reason only: HERMIT CRAB RACING!  You heard me right.  Every Monday night (so obviously the only night worth going), scubar organizes a hermit crab racing league.  For a mere dollar, you can buy your way into the night’s hermit crab races and a chance at winning a weekend getaway.  My hermit crab (“Kylie Minogue”) had a really poor showing last Monday (I have a suspicion that she was in fact dead :/), but I have high hopes for my crab that I’ve chosen for tonight’s race, whom I’ve yet to name.  Even though these races may seem like a PG version of a cock-fighting ring, they’re actually so hysterical and too fun to pass up.

With my new friend Beryl at the races 
Fruitlessly cheering on my dead hermit crab

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